Thomas Jefferson’s declaration that “all men are created equal” is no longer inclusive enough for Connecticut Democrats.

Andrew Jackson no longer embodies the party’s ideals.connecticutdemocrats

After a two-minute discussion last July, the state’s Democratic Party leaders took a voice vote about changing the name of its annual fundraising dinner, the Jefferson Jackson Bailey Dinner. The dinner, known as the JJB, also honored longtime party chairman John M. Bailey, the Hartford Courant reports.

The approved resolution stated “As members of the Democratic Party, we are proud of our history as the party of inclusion. Democrats have led the way on civil rights, LGBT equality and equal rights for women,” according to the news site. “It is only fitting that the name of the party’s most visible annual event reflects our dedication to diversity and forward-looking vision.”

Nick Balletto, Connecticut Democratic Party chairman, announced the dinner’s new name at the Democratic State Central Committee meeting yesterday: the Connecticut Democratic Progress Dinner.

“I believe the new name reflects how Democrats, in Connecticut and around the country, have long been the party pushing for progress on just about every issue, as Republicans try to take us backwards,” he said, according to the Journal Inquirer.

Balletto said the decision to nix the event’s presidential namesakes – who’ve been honored without issue for the last 67 years – came about because of complaints about Jefferson’s ownership of slaves, and Jackson’s mistreatment of Indians, according to the news site.

The Courant also suggested another reason for abandoning the party’s founders.

“Some of the top liberal Democrats in the country, including U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, have been the keynoters and headliners of the dinner without any controversy over the name. But the mass shooting at an African American church in Charleston, S.C., just last summer changed the debate and prompted the Confederate flag to be taken down from the capital grounds in South Carolina,” according to the news site.

“As part of the national debate, Connecticut Democrats started talking about a possible name change for the decades-old dinner.”

And while Connecticut democrats intended to purge itself of Jefferson and Jackson, Bailey “was collateral damage,” the Connecticut Mirror reports.

To ensure Bailey’s name lives on, party leaders debuted a new award, The Bailey Award, to honor an “outstanding party member,” according to the Inquirer.

Party officials gave that award to Southbury state central committee member Drew Morten at the Wednesday meeting.

Many folks discussing the name change online, including Connecticut Democrats, don’t seem very impressed.

“As a Democrat, I find the new name vague, weak and wish-washy,” Albert May posted to Facebook. “It sounds like what it probably is, a name created by a committee.”

“Those men had more character, brains, and a sense of working for the people than all the legislators of both parties in this overtaxed, bankrupt state,” fatroth posted in the Currant comments.

“This is an asinine move and I for one will never attend the dinner again,” djmackjr wrote, “nor will I donate to the party again.”

“They don’t call them progressives for nothing,” America_is_lost added.