Congressman Sam Farr wants you to feel sorry for him because of how little he thinks he’s paid and of how pathetic his Congressional retirement benefits will be when he leaves.

During a hearing on compensation for members of the military on Wednesday, the Democrat from California wanted them to have a little perspective.

Farr was attempting to rebut claims that the military may lose members to the private sector over benefits. The Dem rep said, “I’m totally for you, but I think that it’s unfair for somebody to say, ‘it’s just not enough.’

“I mean, Congress members haven’t had a COLA (cost of living adjustment) in 10 years. Talk about the morale here on salaries.”

The annual salary for a member of Congress is $174,000. The median household income in America in 2014 was $53,657.

But he wasn’t done.

“Our retirement, I’m gonna retire after 26 years of federal service. And the retirement is $60,000. People think we make tons of money. It’s not a lot.”

In perhaps the greatest moment of irony, Farr said, “I wish we’d put this in a national context because I think the anger out there that the voters are expressing, and sort of hating government, is because they don’t understand the pros and cons of what it is.”

It’s likely most Americans would gladly exchange their annual salary and benefits with the poor, abused public servant Sam Farr.