Bernie Sanders openly laughed when he was told Bill Clinton thought sexism may be behind the senator’s criticisms of his wife.

Appearing on CNN, Sanders ridiculed the former president for playing the gender card against him.

“In this back and forth with Secretary Clinton over her qualifications,” host Jake Tapper said, “I know you have said that she’s qualified.

“Bill Clinton today was asked about the comments and said of course you wouldn’t have made the same charges if she were a man…”

“Oh my goodness,” Sanders responded under his breath.

“I think there are some different standards for women, some of them are subconscious,” Tapper continued, quoting Clinton.

“Well, I appreciate Bill Clinton being my psychoanalyst. It’s always nice,” Sanders responded.

Sanders said he would fight back when he is attack and his record is distorted. He repeated his criticisms of Clinton over Super PAC contributions from “every special interest you can think of and the billionaire class.

“I have my doubts about what kind of president she would make.”

Sanders was responding to a brief interview with Clinton on MSNBC, which caught up with the former president on the rope line after his appearance in Erie, Pennsylvania on Friday.

“On these comments that Bernie Sanders has made about Hillary not being qualified — if a man with the same resume, do you think that would happen? Is gender a piece of this at all?” Clinton was asked, as he strangely chewed on his tongue.

He responded, “Well, of course it wouldn’t. But I think he walked it back today, didn’t he?”

“He did a little bit,” the reporter responded, “but for him to say it at all, do you think gender was a factor?”

“I don’t know. I’m — you guys commented — I think she’d be the best president. I think it’s obvious by a country mile,” he said, falling back into talking point mode.

“Yes, I think there are some different standards. Some are subconscious.”