Douglas County, Colorado Republican delegate Larry Lindsey says he was “removed and replaced” from serving because he voted for Donald Trump.

In a YouTube video posted by David Brooks, Lindsey says, “It’s been a real long time since I’ve been this pissed off.”

Sitting in his car, Lindsey said, “I’ve spent the last hour in line” at the Colorado state Republican convention this past weekend.

He said he was trying to get his credentials “so I could get in and vote.

“I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump.

“So now I’m driving back home,” Lindsey says in the selfie video, “there’s nothing else I can do here.

“I am unbelievably pissed. This petty little bunch of piss ants over here — if they think they’re going to get away with this, they’re sadly mistaken. I’m going to raise holy hell about this to everybody I can get to listen.

“I’m sick to death about how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas County for the GOP.

“I’m ashamed to call myself a Republican. After this election here, I never will be again. Lifelong Republican all of my life and this corrupt bunch of thieves is not even worth fighting for,” Lindsey says.