Rapper Ice Cube says Hillary Clinton helped to create the disproportionate black population in prisons today and her rhetoric when she was first lady harmed black children.

In an interview with Bloomberg’s John Heilemann, he says Democrats shouldn’t be exempt from criticism over Bill Clinton’s crime policies.

“To call your own citizens ‘super predators,’ is pretty harsh and a pretty big indictment. You know, it’s just like the term thug or hoodlum. It’s just an easy brush to paint somebody.

“And it’s really not solving the problem, it’s just making it worse because now you have the people who are the authorities feel like now they’re justified in how they treat these so-called super predators.

“And, what is that? Who is that?” Ice Cube asked Heilemann. “I mean, specifically, who are you talking about?”

He believes the crime policies negatively impacted innocent kids because they unfairly lumped them in with actual bad people. “Then it’s a war on me,” he said.

He added, “And for some reason, the Democrats feel like they’re exempt from these protests like, ‘We’re Democrats, why are you talking to us like this? Go talk to the Republicans.’

“No,” he said, “everybody’s a little guilty of turning their back or passing bad legislation and everybody should be called out on it.

He said he understands why black activists disrupted Bill Clinton’s speech in Philadelphia last week.

“(Hillary Clinton) might be the president of the United States and if she becomes the president of the United States, we need to know what she’s thinking, how does she think, how does she handle this, how’s she going to fix this.

“She helped create it, in a way,” he said. “How are you going to fix this?”