Comedian DL Hughley recently offered his insight into the transgender bathroom debate plaguing many schools across the country, and he wasn’t pulling any punches.

Hughley was talking with Jim Norton, Gregg Hughes, and Sherrod Small Wednesday on Opie Radio when the conversation turned from his dislike for former Spokane, Washington NAACP chapter president Rachel Dolezal – who lied about being black – to the ongoing debate about transgender “rights.”

A video of the exchange was posted to YouTube Wednesday.

“She wanted to be so black so bad she became one,” Hughley said of Dolezal. “To me, you can change your gender, but you can’t change your race. Like, you can tell me that you are a man who used to be a woman, but you can’t tell me you are a black woman who used to be white.”

“You can tell me both,” Small said, “but I’m gonna laugh soon as you leave the room!”

“Me too!” Hughley said.

“Are we allowed to still laugh? That’s what I want to know,” Hughes said.

“It’s sad,” Hughley said.

“You’re not even allowed to laugh at this shit,” Hughes said.

“I am, f**k ‘em,” Hughley said.

“We were talking before about self-identifying as opposed to what’s legitimate,” Norton chimed in.

“With trans issues, what’s the difference between somebody who’s legitimately, this is who they are, and someone who’s just self-identifying?” he questioned. “We don’t put any line on it anymore. If you say you are, you are, and that’s what’s kinda nuts.”

Hughley seemed to agree.

“And you know what’s crazy to me? I can just respect you, you can self-identify and tell me who you are. But like Caitlyn Jenner, you can tell me, I’ll call you Caitlyn, but your body thinks you’re a 67-year-old white man, and your neurologist is gonna tell you you need a prostate exam,” Hughley said.

“And I dislike what’s going on in North Carolina and Mississippi and now Tennessee. It is bigoted and horrible to deny people rights based on their sexual orientation. It is horrible. But, it ain’t so horrible if I say, ‘you got a dick, go to the bathroom with people who have dicks.’”

The room erupted in laughter.

“You got a dick, stand in that line,” he continued. “I don’t understand how that’s so bigoted!”

“We discussed that for 20 minutes and he just simplified it!” Hughes laughed.

“I’m bigoted? If you got a dick, stand in line where they got dicks!” Hughley said.

“And don’t compare it to civil rights,” he said.

“Somebody gotta stand up so you can sit down,” he joked.