If Hillary Clinton doesn’t want Americans to visualize Donald Trump as president, she sure has a strange way of showing it.

The Clinton campaign posted a video of what they apparently think are bad positions Trump has taken on a variety of issues, including ending gun-free zones at schools, building a wall on the southern border, and repealing Obamacare.

Donald J. Trump: “Everything I say, I’m going to do folks.” Here’s what the presumptive Republican nominee would do as president.

Posted by Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Throughout the video — which is apparently Clinton’s attempt at fear mongering to rustle up votes — Trump is pictured as president.

On Air Force One.

In the White House Situation Room.

At a podium with the presidential seal.

While this is likely using the patented Clintonian technique of portraying herself as the underdog, what she’s actually doing is matching up the sentiments of many Americans with the visual of a President Trump saying them.