Police are reviewing a viral video of a fight that broke out when group of youth attacked a family carrying a Confederate flag from a memorial service in downtown Greenville, South Carolina.

The video was originally posted to Facebook over the weekend by local singer Ian Nix, who was among the instigating group, and it was later reposted to the Facebook page “Freedom Fighters Upstate SC” with a message: Confronting a confederate flag toting family. Greenville, SC. The word of Ian Nix ‘You’re not welcome. You’re not tolerated.’ #yeahthatGreenville #freedomfighters.

Confronting a confederate flag toting family. Greenville, SC. The words of Ian Nix “You’re not welcome. You’re not tolerated.” #yeahthatGreenville #freedomfighters

Posted by Freedom Fighters Upstate SC on Monday, May 2, 2016

The roughly one minute of footage was recorded by the instigators, and shows a girl approach a group of several people carrying flags and attempt to snatch away the Confederate flag.

“Get out of here, get the f*** out of here, now!” one man shouts at the group as the “freedom fighters” chased them down the sidewalk.

One of the male attackers appears to successfully grab a small confederate flag from one of the people in the group and threw it back at them.

“Get your f***ing ass out of here,” the man shouted again as several in the two groups argued with each other.

One of the flag-toting men said his peace during a break in the action.

“It’s heritage, not hate,” he said. “Why do y’all have so much hate in your hearts?”

“Why do you got to hate? Y’all are the ones who got hate in y’all’s hearts.”

His comments prompted one of the agitators into a rage.

“Your people, they’re slave people, mother***er,” the young man – who was dressed in all black with long hair and full arm tattoos – yelled back as he got in his opponent’s face.

“F*** you. F*** you, get the f*** out of here,” he continued before turning his attention to a woman among the group carrying the flags.

The woman appeared to calmly talk back to the tattooed thug, but he continued to shout over her.

“F*** you, bitch,” he said, “f*** you, bitch.”

The video cut out as the two most enthusiastic agitators chased the flag family down the street shouting profanities in their faces.

Nix told WSPA and Fox Carolina that he was forced to confront the family when one of them allegedly yelled “White Power!”

“We confronted them and told them that that’s not tolerated,” he told WSPA, alleging that he never touched anyone or attempted to snatch away a flag during the encounter. “You can’t just do this.”

It’s unclear which person in the video is Nix.

Local resident Tom Arnold was among those carrying the flags, and gave a decidedly different take on what sparked the dispute.

He denies any taunts of “white power!”

Arnold said his group was leaving a Sons of Confederate Veterans memorial service at a cemetery downtown, carrying Confederate, American and South Carolina flags. He said the group of young adults heckled them before snatching a flag away from a 5-year-old girl, Fox Carolina reports.

“Just because you don’t like something or don’t agree with somebody, you don’t just get to take their stuff from them,” he said. “You don’t get to hit them, you don’t get to spit on them.”

“It’s heritage, not hate, and that’s what it’s been about,” Arnold said, “We’re not letting it go.”

Arnold said he filed a criminal complaint with local police. Fox Carolina confirmed the Greenville police are reviewing the video but have not yet filed any criminal charges.