Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook is trying to get out in front of three polls from battleground states showing Donald Trump neck-and-neck with Hillary.

MookIn an email, he tried to downplay the numbers from Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

He writes:

“You know how I feel about public polls — they’re erratic and unreliable, especially when you look at a general election match-up this far from Election Day. But a new poll came out yesterday of three key battleground states, and I need you to see it:

Florida: Clinton 43, Trump 42
Ohio: Clinton 39, Trump 43
Pennsylvania: Clinton 43, Trump 42
Source: Quinnipiac

I can’t say this enough times: These polls don’t predict the future. We can change them by making sure voters know about Hillary’s vision for our country. But we need to get started RIGHT NOW. 

He then asked for money.

His email comes on the feels of another from last night in which he implied they don’t have the infrastructure in place to mount a successful campaign.

Every day that we wait to start building the very best possible team in key states like Ohio and Colorado is a day that we delay reaching out to supporters to make sure they’re registered to vote and ready to get out the word in their communities for Hillary. If we want to come out with a victory on November 8th, we have to put in the work right now.

And on Monday, campaign Director of State and Political Engagement Marlon Marshall made similar claims, urging donations if “you’re ready to build the operation we’ll need to win in November.”