Hillary Clinton is done with Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton liar lettersNever mind more people voted for him yesterday than her.

In an email to supporters on Wednesday, Clinton writes:

This is one of the toughest parts of our campaign so far, and I want to be crystal clear about that. We’re staying focused on closing out this primary while also fighting on a second front — and Donald Trump and his supporters have already turned their attention toward beating us. …

Now more than ever, we need to remind ourselves exactly what this campaign is about — that we have a tremendous responsibility to fight for people who aren’t getting ahead. The single mothers without access to decent childcare, the families torn apart by gun violence, and the children of immigrants living in fear of deportation.

We can’t get complacent or discouraged — there are just too many people counting on us. Will you let me know you’re still with me? I know that if we work together we can close out this primary and turn our focus toward the real threat, Donald Trump…

Clinton is doing her best to ignore Sanders and act like a general election candidate.

But that’s difficult to do when her 74-year-old socialist opponent received more combined votes in Kentucky and Oregon than she did.

She eked out a victory in Kentucky over Sanders 212,549 to 210,626, according to CNN.

Clinton lost Oregon to Sanders, 264,151 to 220,943, CNN reports.

Combined, Clinton lost the day, 474,777 to 433,492.