Hillary Clinton’s Pander Express pulled into Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Saturday.

Clinton’s campaign released a video of the candidate speaking with two black women back stage at the Trayvon Martin Foundation’s Circle of Mothers event over the weekend.

There are too many parents across the country stories like this one. We have to take action to prevent gun violence.

Posted by Hillary Clinton on Sunday, May 22, 2016

One woman in the video tells Clinton about how her son was murdered 26 years ago.

“Oh my gosh,” Clinton, who is often accused to struggling to connect with real people, responded.

Another woman said, “God bless you, I’m praying for you. If you need me, call me.”

Hillary responded with a distinctly different accent, “Honey, I need ya,” and laughed.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time Clinton deployed a fake accent to try to connect with a black audience.

When Clinton was campaigning in Memphis, Tennessee in November, it took her only about 50 seconds to unpack it before a crowd at LeMoyne-Owen College.

“I gotta tell you,” Hillary said with a distinct drawl, “I loved coming to Memphis in the past.

“You know, I didn’t live too far away for a long time, just across the river. Do we have anybody from Arkansas here toniiiiight?” she asked.

“Now, after the 2008 election, then president-elect Obama called me and asked me to come see him in Chicagooooo,” Clinton said.

“I didn’t know what he wanted. Turned out he wanted me to be secretary of staaaate.

“But before we talked about that, he said to me, ‘It’s so much worse than they told us.’ I said, ‘Mr. President-Elect, that’s exactly what my husband said to me after that election in 1992,” she said, with the southern drawl seemingly coming and going during her remarks.