Congressman Brad Sherman has no problem deeming the so-called “sit-in” by House Democrats “politicking.”

The ongoing tantrum by Democrats that has seen them sitting on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives — leaving only to scarf down catered meals (because it’s that how they did it in the ’60s?) — has also turned into a fundraising appeal.

Sherman appeared on CNN (standing, mind you) to proudly admit it’s all a stunt.

“If Speaker Ryan doesn’t want the Democratic Committee to be politicking on this issue, he has to schedule a vote,” the California congressman said.

“That’s the solution. They’ve already had votes in the Senate. The way to cut this process short and return to regular order is to vote on this issue.”

“My entire panel is perplexed by this,” host Don Lemon responded.

Gloria Borger jumped in, “Congressman, you just said it was politicking.”

“Well I don’t find that to be a dirty word,” Sherman responded. “I think the effort of mobilizing the American people to demand a vote on this issue.”

CNN Politics Executive Editor Mark Preston wondered if it was “unseemly to be raising money off an issue that is so important, so controversial,” he said.

Earlier today, Paul Ryan condemned the “sit-in.”

The Hill reports:

“They are not trying to get this done through regular order. No, instead they are staging protests, they are trying to get on TV, they are sending out fundraising solicitations like this one,” Ryan told reporters at his weekly news conference. 

The Speaker then read aloud from one of the fundraising emails: “‘House Democrats on the House floor. Your contribution will go to the DCCC, $15.’ This one says ‘try giving us $25, but if you want you can send us $50, $100,  $250, $500, $1000.’ Because look at what we’re doing on the House floor, send us money.

“If this is not a political stunt, then why are they trying to raise money off of this, off of a tragedy,” Ryan added.