A Texas sheriff’s son was jailed over the weekend after he was busted allegedly smuggling illegal immigrants into the United States in a pick-up.

sheriffssonKENS reports the police pulled over Eusevio Salinas III Saturday morning in Dimmit County and became suspicious when a K-9 circled the truck and a trailer it was pulling. Deputies called in U.S. Border Patrol, which took over the investigation and uncovered 14 illegal immigrants inside the trailer.

“Salinas’ father, the sheriff in Zavala County, declined to comment when we paid him a visit to his office in Crystal City and reached out to him multiple times,” KENS reports.

Salinas, 26, has not yet been charged with a crime but is currently detained while the FBI, Texas Marshals and U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigate the situation, according to MySanAntonio.com.

The news site reports Salinas’ arrest follows an FBI raid in February that resulted in nearly all Crystal City officials facing corruption charges related to illegal gambling facilities and dealings with city contractors.

Salinas’ father, sheriff Eusevio Salinas, Jr., was not among those arrested.

The month prior, Crystal City council member Marco Rodriguez was arrested for allegedly taking money to drive immigrants to San Antonio, KHOU reports.

Locals who commented about Salinas’ arrest on Facebook didn’t seem surprised.

“Not surprised, it is south Texas,” San Alfaro posted. “Most of that area is infested with crime.”

“Not surprising at all. Have seen multiple, dozens of them actually, walking the ranches we work on,” Zac Chemelik wrote. “Pretty crazy!”

“So surprise coming from Crystal City,” Rudy Rodriguez added.

Lisa Contreras wondered “what took them so long?” while Bryan Dyall believes “he got what he had coming.”