Hillary Clinton’s answers to questions are often hot or cold: bizarrely laughing off mild inquiries, or defensively, and sometimes angrily, brushing aside seemingly routine questions.

She opted for the latter when Charlie Rose asked if she was a “change agent.”

“They also say this election will be a referendum on change,” Rose said.

“Every election’s about change!” Clinton shouted. “You can’t have an election that’s not about the future which by definition means it’s about change.”

“But how do you become a change agent?” Rose followed up.

“Because that’s what I’ve been all my life,” she answered.

Rose countered that Clinton’s been a part of the political establishment since she was “first lady of Arkansas” — some 35 years ago.

Instead of again denying she was part of the establishment, she tried to turn it to her advantage.

“That’s why I’m so ready to get things done,” she said.

“I know what it will take,” she continued. “Have I been around a while? Yes, I have.

“It’s like choosing a surgeon. You wouldn’t want the guy just out of medical school,” she said, leaning forward and pointing a Clintonian closed finger at Rose.

“So I know what the rap is,” again referencing her age, “You’ve been around since, you know, the beginning of time.”

She then played the woman card — again.

“Having a woman nominated for the first time by a major political party…” Clinton said, before Rose interjected, “That’s change in itself.”

“Oh my gosh, that’s revolutionary,” Clinton shouted.

It, of course, is not the first time Clinton has played the woman card. Watch this compilation of 21 other times: