ABC News is exposing “the money trail inside the Democratic money machine” based on documents released by hackers who broke into a trove of 20,000 emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee.

“We’re getting an inside look at the machinations of the Clinton-Democratic Party money raising machine – a price for everything, including what it costs for a private dinner with Hillary Clinton,” ABC News anchor Brian Ross said.

“It’s all about the money, from the welcoming parties with a woman dancer in a bubble in the middle of a fountain outside of the Philadelphia Museum of Art to the nighttime cruises … to the luxury suites at the convention center and the private parties with gourmet scrambled eggs and caviar,” he said.

ABC News cited a document contained in DNC emails released by WikiLeaks that shows special perks afforded through “2016 Convention Packages” for donors and high-rollers who make it to the party’s “Rittenhouse Square” – a status reserved for those who raise more than $1.2 million for Clinton’s campaign.

The package includes priority booking at a “a premiere hotel within the National Finance Committee room block,” VIP passes to all events, 20 VIP tickets to the Convention Welcome Party, participation in party roundtables and panels, six tickets for a photo opportunity at the convention podium, and “6 reserved places for an exclusive roundtable and campaign briefing with high-level Democratic officials,” according to the document.

“People give for a variety of reasons,” Josh Stewart, spokesman for the Sunlight Foundation, told ABC News. “They want … access. They want influence.”

The news site highlighted several recorded phone conversations with DNC officials, and messages left by donors, released by the hackers that confirms Stewart’s analysis.

“We’ve received an invitation to the Vice President’s breakfast but not White House reception,” a “top Democratic donor” said in one recorded message.

“Got a call last week my wife tells me from (disgraced DNC chairwoman) Debbie Wasserman Schultz about a small dinner with President Obama this week,” a different donor said.

A leaked email to the DNC’s Northern California finance director Erik Stowe also revealed the cost of a private dinner with Clinton – $200,000.

“Liz wrote a $200,000 check to HVF for her and Caitlin to go to a private dinner that I arranged for her to attend with Hillary at the home of Eileen Donahoe. It is this Wednesday, the 25th. Can you please be sure that I get the credit!! I am the person who invited her and collected the check:)!” wrote Elspeth Farmer, a California attorney and DNC member.

“Another email describes how a donor battling cancer lost his coveted seat at a presidential roundtable and an even bigger donor bumped him,” ABC’s Ross said in the recent broadcast.

“Please move him next to the president,” DNC national finance director Jordan Kaplan wrote to Alexandra Shapiro, a fundraising staffer.

Kaplan had little sympathy for the cancer-stricken donor, according to the news site, and emailed that “a lot of people unfortunately get sick.”

The news site attempted to talk to Kaplan during a champagne brunch with top donors at Philadelphia’s Ritz Carlton hotel, but he wasn’t interested in discussing the email scandal.

ABC News pointed out that DNC officials ignored warnings from cyber security experts a far back as a year ago about the vulnerability of the party’s computer system.

“Now the names, home addresses, and in some cases the social security numbers, of every major wealthy donor and how much they gave are all online for the world to see,” Ross said.