The highest grossing documentary of the year, “Hillary’s America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party,” is producing a much different reaction from the public than from critics in the liberal mainstream media.
The film, produced by conservative author Dinesh D’Souza, aims to expose the Democratic Party’s long history of racially motivated policies, from the support and defense of slavery to the party’s modern day policies that favor minorities over whites.
The movie grossed $5.3 million in U.S. box office sales in the first dozen days it was in theaters, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
The public’s interest and enthusiasm for “Hillary’s America” is also apparent on the movie review site Rotten Tomatoes, where 84 percent of the more than 8,600 users who have watched it gave it a thumbs up. The average rating was a 4.3 on a 5 point scale.
But the mainstream media’s reaction to the movie seems to highlight what many believe is a bias for the Democratic candidate, as only a mere 4 percent who have weighed in on the documentary gave it a positive rating.
The comments from both critics and the public illustrate just how far off out of touch the media is from real Americans.
“Doesn’t even qualify as effectively executed propaganda,” the Los Angeles Times’ Michael Rechtshaffen wrote.
“D’Souza manipulates viewers’ passions while telling them who to blame for their bile,” Tome Koegh, of the Seattle Times, proclaimed.
“This is an embarrassment to propaganda films,” wrote Dann Gire, of the Chicago Daily Herald.
Some media critics apparently want the public to think the movie is nothing more than conspiracies and untruths.
“If your conservative uncle’s forwarded emails were a movie, they would be Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party, a dull grab-bag of stale talking points and wildly revisionist history,” The Salt Lake Tribune’s Sean Means opined.
“This content … will be familiar to anyone who’s examined a right-wing website,” New York Times columnist Glenn Kenny said.
Compare those comments to what every day Americans are saying.
“What an amazingly truthful documentary! This should be shown to school children everywhere. The brainwashing of America goes way back,” Dawn Ishcomer posted to Rotten Tomatoes. “This documentary presented facts that I have known but never tied together. I HIGHLY recommend it if you want to actually have an ‘open mind’ and don’t want to go on being a sheep blindly believing everything the media and educators tell you.”
“Just see it for yourself. The history is undeniable and factual, not the revisionist approach taken in today’s politically correct, educational environments,” Perry McIntyre wrote. “The current environment at this pivotal time in our country’s history is exactly why such a film is a must-see. Take a step back, and analyze the opposition, their name-calling, demeaning tones, and as offered in the film the steadfast, ‘deny, deny, deny.’ One can deny, but it is still a lie.”
“You need to watch this folks!” Cindy D posted.
“I have seen this movie twice now within a week. Each time the audience has stood and clapped at the end,” Charles N wrote.
“Great and accurate! I took my son who will be voting for the first time this November,” Brenda A added.
“Fantastic look into the deeply corrupt Hillary Clinton. I suggest everyone should see this film, especially her supporters,” Cyle F wrote.
“As the movie came to its conclusion, everyone in the theater was CLAPPING enthusiastically, and many of us had tears in our eyes long after we walked out the door,” Brenda S posted. “Such a compelling, intelligent, and profoundly thought-provoking documentary. Well-researched analysis of the history of the Democratic Party. Bravo, Mr. D’Souza!”
Brenda S also chimed in on the obvious discrepancy between the audience reviews and comments from the “professional” critics in the mainstream media.
She wrote:
As I read over the critics reviews and audience reviews of this movie, I couldn’t help but notice the glaring discrepancy between the high degree of praise this movie is receiving across the board from audience members and the abysmal reaction it has garnered from the establishment “professional” critics–just another example of the Liberal “elite” attempting to control messaging in this country and to manipulate public sentiment. Critics–obviously intent on perpetuating popular misconceptions–clearly do not want people to see this movie and learn the inconvenient truth about the history of the Democratic Party.
Watch the trailer here:
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