Millennial Millie Weaver went to Donald Trump’s Akron, Ohio rally on Monday in search of non-Republicans for the candidate and she found some.
A lot, actually.
“I’ve always been an independent,” one man said, “and I’m for Trump.”
“I used to be a Democrat but you vote them in and nothing gets done,” a woman said. “I want change and I’m going for the change-maker.”
A registered Democrat and committee chairperson in his neighborhood said he can’t bring himself to vote for Hillary Clinton.
“I’m a Democrat but I don’t want to vote for Hillary because she’s a big liar and won’t vote for our country and Trump will,” another respondent said.
One woman said she turned against the Democrat because they “just tax the job creators.”
A two-time Barack Obama supporter said he’s going for Trump, too.
“I don’t trust the Democratic Party, or the Republican one for that matter,” he said. “I probably wouldn’t have voted if Trump wasn’t running.”
“Trump is talking like over half of the American people feel like,” another man said.
“We’re tired of the way the country’s running. We don’t help our own, but we can send billions of dollars across the world for everybody else — build towns for them — but what do we have here?
“We got nothing. We’ve giving away everything,” he said.
One woman said she voted for Bill Clinton — and isn’t going to make that mistake again.
“NAFTA has taken the jobs out of the country and the Trans Pacific Partnership is going to finish the job,” she said.
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