Many black voters are seeing an opportunity with Donald Trump that they haven’t seen with other Republican presidential candidates.

Trump is in Philadelphia meeting with black pastors and business leaders today, and Hillary Clinton’s apologists are doing everything they can to disrupt it.

Starting with the Pledge of Allegiance, Trump led a round table discussion on problems facing black Americans.

“For the first time in my life, I feel like my vote is going to count,” Daphne Coggins told Trump, according to reporter Kevin Cirilli.

He talked with the family who had a loved one killed by an illegal alien, according to Fox News producer Chris Snyder.

Outside, meanwhile, it was much less cordial.

Round table participants had to walk a gauntlet of agitators chanting “shame,” including at a pastor:

Another pastor addressed the media about why he participated, but had to do so over more shouts of “shame” and “sell out.”
