Donald Trump is bringing attention to Hillary Clinton’s coughing fits, dramatic September 11 collapse on a New York City street, and being helped up a set of stairs.


Posted by Donald J. Trump on Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The ad begins by highlighting “foreign policy challenges” facing the next president, including Iran, North Korea and a strengthening ISIS terrorist organization.

“Hillary Clinton failed every single time as Secretary of State,” the narrator says over video of Clinton coughing during a speech.

“Now she wants to be president,” the ad says as a February photo of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs in South Carolina by two aides.

“Hillary Clinton doesn’t have the fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world,” the narrator says as video of Hillary being put head first into her motorcade van on 9/11 is shown.

“She failed as Secretary of State. Don’t let her fail us again,” the ad concludes.

CNN criticized the ad, claiming it is “once again elevating fringe conspiracy theories to the forefront of the presidential race.”