Bill Clinton was like the Mother Hen early Tuesday morning as Hillary descended the stairs from her plane.

Arriving in White Plains, New York airport at 3:30 a.m., the Clintons were to greet supporters waiting on the tarmac — but first, a bespectacled Hillary had to get off the plane.

Hillary emerged first, followed closely behind by Bill. He reached for her arm as she approached the first step.

She held the railing with her right hand, and Bill held her by the elbow all the way down the steps.

He let go when they got to the bottom.

After the pair voted at Grafflin Elementary School in Chappaqua later Tuesday morning, Bill grabbed a hold of Hillary’s arm as they approached a curb.

He looked back, as if he was concerned when she would be able to make it down the 6-inch decline.

He held her by the wrist as they crossed a parking lot, then grabbed hold of her elbow to conquer another curb.

Last night, Bill met Hillary at the bottom of the stairs to her airplane in Philadelphia.

He put his arm around her waist as she appeared to stagger. Watch it here.