Fox News reporter Adam Housley revealed bombshell information on Monday when he reported that Donald Trump, his family, and his associates were being surveilled by the Obama administration for up to a year before the inauguration, further confirming Trump’s spying accusations.

“We know that there was this,” Housley said. “There was electronic surveillance of Trump and people close to Donald Trump, including some supporters, for up to a year before inauguration.”

Housley reported that if the U.S. government is spying on a foreign target who is speaking to an American citizen, the name of the American must be hidden if there is nothing being said involving a crime or national security. “That information was disseminated, we’re told, through NSA channels. It’s unprecedented, I’m told, the way this was done. The mention of US citizens is supposed to be masked, that means basically taken out of a report.”

He continued, “So, for example, if I call somebody in Bulgaria and that’s picked up some how by our agencies and there’s nothing there causing national security, there’s nothing there involving a crime, that report would come out and say American #1 or my name would not be there.”

“What I’m told now is that when these reports came out names were there and that is unprecedented.”

The reporter went on to say that these Trump associates were unmasked by ‘very high up’ officials in the Obama administration and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice may have also known about the unmasking.

“Basically, they say that the information that was unmasking, this unmasked information, these names of Americans who had done nothing wrong was disseminated to all of the NSC, some at DOD, Clapper, Brennan, basically the people at the top. They also say, I’m told, that Rice knew about this possibly as well.”

Housley also addressed earlier reports from Mike Cernovich and Bloomberg which say Susan Rice is the one who ordered the unmasking of Trump’s associates, emphasizing that he didn’t know whether those reports were accurate or not. “Now, I know there are reports out there that she is the one that ordered this. We do not know who reported this because we have not spoken to Devin Nunes about it.”

He then reminded viewers that his source is not Devin Nunes, and that this new information came from other sources. “He has not at least told us about these things. So we don’t know what papers he saw. Our sources don’t know what papers he saw.”

“They just told me the information of unmasking names from Donald Trump and his team and his family was disseminated to a very select few at the top and was done so for a significant amount of time. And that is blockbuster guys. That is, as far as we know, hasn’t been done in modern times.”