Social justice agitator and Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson is offended by the upcoming Planet of the Apes remake, mostly because one of the characters sports a blue vest similar to one he likes to wear.

Mckesson, a school administrator turned Black Lives Matter frontman, made himself famous through his social media chronicles of race riots in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland in recent years. The 32-year-old also came in sixth in the Democratic primary for the Baltimore mayoral race last year, garnering a mere 2.6 percent of the vote.

While agitating and protesting, Mckesson likes to wear a blue, puffy, Patagonia vest – an apparent trademark he incorporated into his Twitter profile. It’s his thing, and he takes it very seriously.

Maybe a little too seriously.

“Given the history of rendering black people as apes, I’m offended & appalled by the lack of consciousness in Hollywood. #PlanetOfTheApes,” Mckesson posted to Twitter on Monday.

The message included a snapshot from the movie poster, with a big orange circle around one ape with a blue vest. He also included an image of the “Bad Ape” action figure wearing the same blue vest.

In another tweet, he alleged the ape’s vest is the mass media’s way of “dehumanizing” black folks, Twitchy reports.

“In associating black people w/ apes, active work is being done to perpetuate the dehumanization of black ppl in mass media. #PlanetOfTheApe,” he wrote.

The response likely wasn’t what he expected.

“Deray thinks he’s in the new Planet of the Apes and he’s offended by a blue Patagonia vest,” Ian Miles Cheong mocked.

“Is he the first person in history to wear a fkn windbreaker give me a (wind)break(er),” Gina Annunziato added.

“HAHAHAHAHA … it is ALL about DeRay … he thinks the universe revolves around him … bwhahahaha Delusions of Grandeur,” Dophie wrote.

“Pathologically egocentric!” Anne Serkin posted.

Others pointed out that it’s possible the producers aren’t racist Hollywood jerks like Mckesson implies, and simply based the wardrobe choice on the original 1960s film, which featured an ape with a blue vest.

“Deray doesn’t know that Apes wearing vests have been a thing since the 1960s,” Lo-Ping posted.

“You’re outraged because they’re recreating the look of the original ape in 1968. You don’t own wearing blue vests man. Grow up,” Robby Starbuck wrote.

I eagerly await my Twitter suspension because of posting who wore it better with @ mentions to Deray.

Mckesson deleted his post, but the mockery continues.

“There’s some serious narcissism involved in assuming a film w/ hundreds of millions at stake would think about how they might offend Deray,” Starbuck added.

“Did he just racism himself?” The Geethulhu wrote. “I’m lost?”

“Is the ‘Bad Ape’ shilling rainbow Doritos or McD’s all-day breakfast? No? Then he’s not Deray,” MonBossyMothma-WR posted.

“People like this are delusional and self centered. Remember when Zoe Quinn thought Nintendo took a shot at her?” Shawn Bird wrote.