If the exchange Tuesday morning between a Trump advisor and a CNN host was depicted in a cartoon, Alisyn Camerota would have been flat on her back with X’s over her eyes and stars circling above her head.

Trump advisor Sabestian Gorka took on CNN’s breathless coverage of a meeting between Donald Trump’s son and a Russian lawyer during the campaign during an appearance today.

He did it with the flair of Speedy Gonzalez.

“He’s not even a member of the administration,” Gorka said of Donald Trump, Jr.

“The amount of time you spend in desperation on a topic that has plummeted you to 13th place in viewership ranking across America. More people watch Nick-at-Nite cartoons than CNN today.”

“Our ratings are doing just fine,” Camerota rebutted.

“No, 13th!” he responded.

Camerota argued CNN’s rating indicate people are interested in the topic.

“Nick-at-Nite is 11th. More people are interested in cartoons than CNN,” Gorka said.

Camerota refused to hear Gorka’s argument about polling that indicates Americans don’t care about the Democrats’ Russia conspiracy theories.

“In your bubble, sure, but that’ the bubble. That’s not the people that elected Donald J. Trump,” Gorka said.

According to Cable Ranker, CNN was 13th among cable networks during the week of June 26th.

The network, which has attempted to find rating success by relentlessly attacking President Trump, lagged behind FX, TLC and Nick-at-Nite.

CNN rivals Fox News Channel and MSNBC were ranked #1 and #2 respectively.

After the interview, Camerota announced she was done with Twitter.

She writes:

Dear Twitter (attn: trolls),

It’s over. I’m breaking up with you. …

So, I’m done. I’m moving on. I’m looking for something else, something real and lasting. Something that involves actual people, not nearly 48 million bots. I prefer my real friends over fake humanoids run by computers and true trolls filled with genuine venom. Call me old fashioned, but I like hearing viewers’ real thoughts, not the ones special interest groups pay them to tweet. And to the tens of thousands of folks who took time to follow me, I trust we’ll find a kinder place to reconnect.

So listen, Twitter, maybe sometime in the distant future, we can be friends again. Maybe you’ll become more thoughtful, and I’ll be excited to see your icon on my screen again. But I’m not hopeful. Until then, I’m logging off, killing my account. And know this — I won’t miss you for a second.

Here’s proof: