The leaders of North Carolina’s Camden County High School didn’t get any complaints about a student art piece featuring President Abraham Lincoln, but that didn’t stop the Social Justice Warriors from tearing it down, anyway.
A piece of art created collaboratively between students at two schools was removed by administrators because it also included the likeness of Confederate President Jefferson Davis.
The Daily Advance reports:
“In light of the recent controversy in Charlottesville and throughout the country, we have recently removed the painting from the wall outside the media center,” said Camden County High School Principal Billie Berry. …
Berry said the school had not received any complaints about the picture being displayed on the wall.
“While we have received no concerns or complaints about the artwork, we felt that it was best to be proactive and remove the painting to avoid potentially offending anyone,” Berry claimed.
The principal insisted the art “was in no way designed to promote the confederacy,” but instead, was “simply a historical representation of the President of the United States and the Confederacy during the Civil War.”
“The picture was created several years ago as a joint project between Camden County High School art students and students from a high school in Pittsburgh, (Pennsylvania),” according to Berry.
“The students communicated daily with one another using Skype while working on the project,” the principal told the paper. “Upon completion, our students mailed half of the painted squares to Pittsburgh and the students in Pittsburgh mailed half of the digital squares to Camden. Each school then pieced together the squares and the art work was displayed in both schools.”
Meanwhile, other schools are banning what they call “racially intimidating” clothing.
EAGnews reports:
Officials in North Carolina’s Orange County Schools revamped the student dress code last week to ban all attire that’s “disruptive” or could potentially offend other students.
“Times have changed,” OCS board chairman Stephen Halkiotis told WNCN. “If people don’t understand times have changed, you better go see a doctor pretty quick and get some medication to control yourself because you’re gonna have problems.”
The change stems from parents who addressed the school board with concerns about students wearing the Confederate flag on clothing in school, which they contend is intimidation against black and minority students.
Parent Latarndra Strong led a group of 17 people who urged the board to specifically ban the Confederate flag at a meeting earlier this month. Initially, the board created an “equity task force” to evaluate the request, which enraged some who demanded immediate action, the Herald Sun reports.
Parent protestors, many with the group “Hate-Free Schools Coalition,” toted signs at the meeting that read “Cowards don’t get re-election,” “Listen to your community” and “Halkiotis for school bully!”
Strong told the dress code policy, approved by a board policy committee on Wednesday, “is absolutely a step forward” but said she was disappointed that the new dress code does not specifically mention the Confederate flag.
Instead, the new dress code gives principals discretion to determine whether clothing is disruptive or intimidating. The principal must then gain the superintendent’s approval to demand students remove clothing that’s not appropriate.
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