What is wrong with Nancy Pelosi?

During her weekly press conference on Thursday, the House Minority Leader was seen stumbling over words, uttering gibberish, staring blankly at reporters, and on at least two occasions, suffering from face spasms.

“What an event-filled morning has been,” Pelosi began, botching her opening line.

It went downhill from there.

“Really one that, uh, marks a transf— for—” she said, before staring at reporters barely 10 seconds into the appearance, and finally saying, “transformative moment…”

Moments later, she confused “trillions” and “billions.”

“When President Bush left office the deficit was 1.4 trillion,” she said as she suffered an apparent facial spasm, “uh, trillion dollars. So you’re talking about an enormous amount of money. The national debt increased by an enormous amount — the debt was 1.4 billion in terms of the deficit.”

No wonder the federal government is spending so wildly when leaders can’t tell a number that has 9 zeros from one that has 12.

“This is about the American people and how policy here affects them,” she said. After staring and murmuring something softly, she blurted out “low,” before continuing, “instead let’s go to the table…”

Answering a reporter’s question, she started by uttering gibberish, before recovering and saying, “We’re here for the American people…”

Seconds later, she said, “Education being essential. Education, by the way, being any money being spent on education that—” she said before stopping and staring at reporters, and continuing.

Pelosi suffered another facial spasm when she attempted to say “declaring an emergency.”

Suffering an apparent brain freeze, Pelosi said, “House and Senate, Democrats and Republicans and the White House, as to uh— what— when that will happen,” blurting it out.

Moments later, she struggled to say “continuing.”

“It has to happen soon so that we can have it done, uh, by the um— the end of the— con— ca— uh, the continuing resolution,” she finally said.

Is it any wonder more Democrats are calling for new leadership?