One day at a time, Donald Trump is restoring America’s greatness.

That was evident again on Sunday when there was something Trump didn’t do — namely, continuing Barack Obama’s tradition of weakness by bowing to foreign leaders.

As Trump greeted Emperor Akihito, the American president stood upright, greeting him and shaking his hand.

In 2009, Obama’s bow was so dramatic, he was nearly at a 90-degree angle.

Here’s now the Telegraph described it:

At over six feet tall, the US president was photographed bending to nearly a 90 degree angle when he greeted the relatively diminutive Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko at the Imperial Palace on Saturday.

Right-wing websites criticised the US president for showing deference to the Japanese emperor, with the Drudge Report running a banner headline reading: “Obama bows before Japan’s emperor”.

Critics claimed the sign of deference went against state department protocol, which decrees that presidents bow to no one.

It’s not the first time Trump has altered America’s bowing habits.

There were two very different outcomes when the two American presidents greeted the king of Saudi Arabia nearly 8 years apart.

All eyes were on President Trump in May as he arrived in the country for his first foreign trip.

Video shows the president stepping off the plane and greeting King Salman:

Trump stood up straight as Salman appeared to bow slightly.

Trump’s posture stands in stark difference to President Obama’s in the early days of his presidency.

Cameras captured Obama bowing to King Abdullah, contorting nearly to a 90-degree angle in what many called a moment of American weakness:

Trump’s behavior was refreshingly noticeable, as several Twitter users contrasted the two reactions.

“Look carefully at these two photos,” recording artist Vinnie James wrote at the time. “The one on the RIGHT is a lesson in American exceptionalism: @FLOTUS no hijab, @POTUS no kowtow.”