Three multimillionaires – Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and leftist filmmaker Michael Moore – are lecturing America on income inequality.

Sanders, who narrowly lost the 2016 Democratic presidential primary, hosted a nationally televised town hall from the U.S. Capitol auditorium Monday to decry “the rise of oligarchy and collapse of the middle class.”

“Over the last 40 years, the middle class of this country has declined while oligarchy is on the rise!” Sanders declared.

“It’s so crazy, the rich right now, the greed,” Moore exclaimed.

Warren told the audience – roughly 1.7 million live viewers and about 550 at the event – that “this is an organized effort, just to simply take over the government.”

The goal, she claimed, is to “make the government work better and better for a thinner and thinner rich slice in America.”

Moore also clamored about failing to hold Democrats accountable for contributing to the problem – a problem that allowed him to reap millions from “documentary” movies.

“It’s so important that we hold the people who say they’re for the people – hold their feet to the fire!” Moore said, according to The Huffington Post. “And if they’re not going to do the job they say they’re going to do, let’s get somebody else.”

Warren, who demands six figures to teach course at Harvard University, touted unions as another solution to wealth inequality at the town hall, which “often doubled as a progressive pep rally for social democratic reforms,” the news site reports.

“Unions built America’s middle class,” she said, pandering to guest panelist Cindy Estrada, vice president of the United Auto Workers. “It’ll take unions to rebuild America’s middle class.”

The brazen hypocrisy of Monday’s panel discussion didn’t go unnoticed.

Fox Business Network’s Charles Payne pointed out the “hypocrisy” of millionaires like Warren, Sanders and Moore posing as saviors for the middle class during an appearance on Fox & friends.

“I think a lot of these elitists like that really believe that their millions are part of their ability or their need to come to our rescue,” Payne said. “They probably should be rewarded because they’re going to help the rest of us get our life in order to get our country in order.”

Panye also highlighted another problem with the progressive narrative on income inequality: It’s more severe in areas of the country that have been historically controlled by liberals.

“Everywhere they’ve been able to put in their tax policies, their regulatory policies, their other kind of policies, all you have seen is the gap get wider,” Panye said.

Sanders, Warren and Moore contend the solution to fixing the issue involves a $15 minimum wage, free college, more union influence and paid family leave. Others on the panel, including New School economist Darrick Hamilton, proposed more radical solutions.

According to the Post, Hamilton’s “preferred solutions included the creation of trust funds for every American at birth, a federal job guarantee, the replacement of private payday lenders with postal banking and an end to academic tracking in grade school, which he argued often replicates racial segregation, even within relatively integrated schools.”

“To really get beyond our race problem, when we’re ready as a nation to come together, we need to come to grips with reparations,” he said.