Conservative students with Santa Clara University’s Turning Point USA chapter got a rude awakening last week after they set up an pro-capitalism display to spark a dialogue on campus.

The group’s vice president, Spencer McLaughlin, told The Daily Caller “the day started off going well, with lots of engagement and civil discussions with people from all political backgrounds,” but a video posted to YouTube on Monday shows things went downhill from there.

Turning Point USA students put up a display table with information as well as 1,000 flags to highlight the 20th century victims of socialism and communism, and it wasn’t long before their liberal classmates trashed the display, tearing up the fliers and ripping flags out of the ground.

“You know what’s better for people? F**king cheap labor, that’s how you get cheap shit. You pay nothing,” one unidentified female student told her conservative classmates as she swatted a sign off the display table.

The triggered student briefly turns her attention to a student recording her tantrum – “film it, bro, film it” – before directing her rage back to students at the Turning Point USA table.

“How do you get cheap shit, bro? Who’s labor? Who’s labor?” she questioned.

Another student interrupted the woman to point out that some socialist and communist countries haven’t actually been so great for their citizens, but she wasn’t having it.

“Cuba has done great,” she insisted. “They have been doing good for their people. They have like 99 percent literacy, they have fu**ing their own health brigades.”

She then went on a tirade about “fu**ing Puerto Rico,” repeatedly yelling “How many people died from Puerto Rico?”

McLaughlin told the Daily Caller “she consistently shouted us down as we tried to create a civil dialogue, resorting to derogatory comments (calling us dumb, uninformed and liars) and being openly hostile while assuming motives/arguments that we had never alluded to (referring to us as ‘a bunch of f***ing Trump supporters’ and implying inherently malicious motives.)”

The disgruntled liberal student also attacked a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps student who made a pro-capitalism remark during her fit, alleging he used his uniform “to shoot brown people.” She also “grabbed one of our posters and ripped/crumpled it before rudely throwing at my colleague, and later tried to flip over our table with our tabling supplies on it,” McLaughlin told the news site.

Other students, meanwhile, tore the group’s flags from the ground.

Rhaaghav Kanodia, president of Santa Clara’s Turning Point USA chapter, said the episode illustrates the double standard liberal students enjoy on college campuses in 2018.

“Whenever there is discrimination against values which are inherently aligned with the liberals, our school and the administration have sent out emails offering every resource they have available to support the students who have allegedly been discriminated against,” he said. “But when it comes to values which align with conservative, there is usually little or no action taken.”