California Congresswoman Maxine Waters wants the United Methodist Church to excommunicate U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions for enforcing federal immigration laws.
Waters gave a shout out to members of the church who penned a letter Sessions’ pastors at Ashland Place United Methodist Church in Mobile, Alabama and Clarendon United Methodist Church in Arlington, Virginia to convince them to condemn the AG.
The letter “charges” Sessions with child abuse, immorality, racial discrimination, and “dissemination of doctrines contrary to the standards of doctrine of the United Methodist Church.
Thank you to the 640 UM church members for bringing charges against AG Jeff Sessions for his immoral attack on families and children in the name of the Bible. Separating children from their parents demands an investigation by the church. Kick him out in the name of the Lord!
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) June 20, 2018
“Thank you to the 640 UM church members for bringing charges against AG Jeff Sessions for his immoral attack on families and children in the name of the Bible,” Waters posted to Twitter Wednesday. “Separating children from their parents demands an investigation by the church. Kick him out in the name of the Lord!”
The letter did not call on the church to excommunicate Sessions, but rather to “directly engage with him as a part of our community.”
It’s important to target Sessions, pastors wrote, because he’s “tremendously powerful.”
“While other individuals and areas of the federal government are implicated in each of these examples, Mr. Sessions – as a long-term United Methodist in a tremendously powerful, public position – is particularly accountable to us, his church,” they wrote. “He is ours, and we are his. As his denomination, we have an ethical obligation to speak boldly when one of our members is engaged in causing significant harm in matters contrary to the Discipline on the global stage.”
The clergy claim “the severity of (Sessions’) actions and the harm he is causing to immigrants, migrants, refugees, and asylees calls for his church to step into a process to directly engage with him …”
Many folks responding to Waters on Twitter pointed out some important facts.
“Congress created the laws. Trump enforces the laws. Democrats cry inhumanity of the laws. Trump says for Democrats to change the laws. Democrats refuse to change the laws,” BlueViews posted. “The political picture of inhumanity is quite clear. #CongressionalTermLimits”
Republicans produced legislation this week to keep immigrant families together at the border, but Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer quickly dismissed the proposal on Tuesday.
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told reporters on Monday that “Congress alone can fix” the issue, and Trump and other officials have insisted the same, but Schumer is focused on keeping the pressure on the president to circumvent Congress, The Hill reports.
“There are so many obstacles to legislation and when the president can do it with his own pen, it makes no sense,” Schumer contends. “Legislation is not the way to go here when it’s so easy for the president to sign it.”
Homeland Security officials said border officials have identified 148 cases of smugglers and traffickers posing as parents of children at the U.S. Mexico board between October and April. Nielson said there’s been a 314 percent increase in adults showing up with kids who are not their own, according to the Associated Press.
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