It’s the Russians as usual, according to CNN.
“Russian Twitter bots” are to blame for the drama unfolding in Florida, Chris Cuomo says.
CNN’s @ChrisCuomo pushing conspiracy theory, without citing any evidence, that #StopTheSteal is by “Russian Bots” on Twitter
Raise your hand if you’re not a Russian Bot!
— Gabe Hoffman (@GabeHoff) November 10, 2018
“TRUMP & OTHERS CLAIM ELECTION FRAUD IN FL WITHOUT PROOF,” the banner read at the bottom of the screen as Cuomo alleged — without evidence — that “Russian Twitter bots” pushed several hashtags as a way to stoke controversy.
CNN claims Russians are pushing the following hashtags:
- #stopthesteal
- #broward
- #florida
- #voterfraud
The graphic on CNN cited the Alliance for Security Democracy.
Data on that page shows “#stopthesteal” has been used by “Russian bots” less than 200 times.

“#browardcounty” was used less than 100 times, and “#brendasnipes,” the Broward County Elections Supervisor, was mentioned just over 50 times over the last 48 hours.
Comparatively, the same hashtag has been used by popular conservative Twitter users including John Cardillo, Diamond and Silk, Jack Posobiec, Jim Hoft and Ali Alexander, shadowing any usage by the nefarious “Russian bots” that scare CNN.
This Friday tweet from Scott Presler including the hashtag has been retweeted over 5,600 times.
BREAKING: Judge rules in favor of Governor Rick Scott, finding that Snipes violated the law.
Snipes must immediately allow ballot inspections.
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) November 9, 2018
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