House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the border town of Laredo, Texas on Friday to fight President Trump’s border wall, she just had a little trouble articulating her message.
Addressing reporters while also visiting ports of entry, Pelosi stuttered, stammered, suffered brain freezes — and somehow claimed Presidents Day was to honor Martha Washington’s birthday.
“I love coming here this wa— week that we observe the birth of our presidents, one in particular, George, uh, our Founding Father and our Founding Mother, George Washington and Martha Washington,” she said.
Never mind Martha Washington’s birthday was in June and not February.
Praising the local congressman, Pelosi said, “We followed his lead on protecting the, what, butterfly…” she said, trailing off and looking for assistance.
“Sanctuary,” someone muttered.
“Sanc— sanctuary,” Pelosi said.
“The knowledge he has of the region being a border, uh— uh, member of Congress,” she said, suffering a brain freeze.
The House Speaker suffered another moment of confusing millions and billions.
“And what that meant was we would have, uh, hundreds of billions— excuse me, hundreds of millions of dollars,” she said.
“We had the opportunity to meet with David Higgin— Higgerson, the field dir— director of field for, uh, the, uh, CPB,” Pelosi said.
The Homeland Security website identifies Higgerson as the “Director, Field Operations.”
And it’s “CBP” as in “Customs and Border Protection,” not “CPB.”
After mispronouncing “detection,” the House Speaker struggled to talk about the Constitution.
“That Constitution begins with the beautiful Preamble to the Constitution, and the very first words at the end of the Pream— the following the Preamble are, Article 1, The Legislative Branch,” Pelosi said.
She suffered a strange brain freeze as she talked about a bill being taken up on Monday. She stopped and looked upward before resuming her remarks as if nothing had happened.
Pelosi seemed short of breath as she talked about her congressional colleagues in attendance, stopping mid-sentence to take a breath and sigh through her speech.
Defending why the U.S. should focus on ports of entry and not remote areas where illegal immigrants flow, she said, “And now it’s more immi— there’s uh, so much more immigration, um, uh, needs here.”
The House Speaker literally as she denounced the wall, saying, “This, this isn’t what their job was b- b- b- b- before.”
The 78-year-old Pelosi, who will turn a year older next month, is second in line to the presidency.
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