Hillary Clinton didn’t forget to pack her southern accent when she traveled to Alabama this weekend.

The failed Democrat presidential candidate addressed the Martin and Coretta King Unity Breakfast in Selma and her speech was peppered with statements uttered with a twang.

It came for the opportune moment, then went.

“We already had church this morning,” she said, opening her remarks, “oh, my gosh.”

“Another commonality that Rose and I have: comin’ down to Dothan, Alabama in the early 1970’s to go under cover to gather evidence about a white segregated academy in an effort to deny it and others like it federal tax exemption,” she said moments later.

She invoked failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams to the mostly black audience.

Quoting Abrams, Clinton used a folksy tone.

“She said, look, I can’t go back and win 2018, but we can win 2020 and 2022 and every election going into the future,” Hillary said.

Noting Black History Month had just ended, Clinton said there was one person she was “thinkin'” about: Ida B. Wells.

Towards the end of her roughly 18 minute remarks, she said, “There is so much that needs doin’.”

Clinton employed a similar accent a short time later at a church service:


Hillary has made a habit of adopting a drawl for southern crowds.

During a 2015 appearance in Memphis, it took Clinton only about 50 seconds to unpack it before a crowd at LeMoyne-Owen College.

“I gotta tell you,” Hillary said with a distinct drawl, “I loved coming to Memphis in the past.

“You know, I didn’t live too far away for a long time, just across the river. Do we have anybody from Arkansas here toniiiiight?” she asked.

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“Now, after the 2008 election, then president-elect Obama called me and asked me to come see him in Chicagooooo,” Clinton said.

“I didn’t know what he wanted. Turned out he wanted me to be secretary of staaaate.

“But before we talked about that, he said to me, ‘It’s so much worse than they told us.’ I said, ‘Mr. President-Elect, that’s exactly what my husband said to me after that election in 1992,” she said, with the southern drawl seemingly coming and going during her remarks.

About a month earlier, Clinton was campaigning in Hoover, Alabama and — miraculously — the accent made an appearance.

“You know, when my husband became president thanks to a lot of you in this room, I remember after that election in ’92, him sayin’ to me, ‘It’s so much worse than they told us,’” she said at the Alabama Democratic Conference.

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“The debt in our country has been quadrupled in the prior 12 years, the deficits had exploded. And so he had to roll up his sleeves and work hard.”

She added during Bill’s time in office, incomes were rising for “workin’ people.”