Activist filmmaker Michael Moore came away from the Democratic Debate with a revelation: he’s mainstream now.
The 65-year-old anti-capitalist activist – known for far-left documentaries Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Roger & Me and others – shared his theory that America has made a tectonic shift to the left while discussing the Wednesday night debate with MSNBC.
Far-left activist Michael Moore: “I am the center. I am the mainstream now of the Democratic Party”
Moore claims the majority of Americans agree with him and socialist Bernie Sanders on “all the issues”
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 21, 2019
“When you guys were talking about how we have to be more moderate, or move to the center, that’s how we’re going to win next year. See, to me, I think … I am the center,” Moore said. “I am the mainstream now of the Democratic Party.
“The majority of Americans agree with me and Bernie on all of the issues, whether it’s healthcare for all, whether it’s climate change, minimum wage, mass incarceration,” he said “Down the whole list, the American people have moved left, so the center is more of these sorts of things.”
Moore pleaded his case to an MSNBC panel that included host Joy Reid, former Democrat senator Claire McCaskill, and Republican strategist Steve Schmidt.
The Michigan filmmaker took aim at the party’s frontrunner in the primary, former vice president Joe Biden, for daring to defend Americans who oppose a government-run healthcare system that would eliminate their private insurance.
“Says who?” Moore said, questioning Biden’s argument that many Americans want to keep the insurance they have. “Yes, they want the assurance that whatever we have with the new Medicare for All is essentially just a transfer from what they have with their good union healthcare. Fine, but the average Democrat and the average American does not like health the health insurance company.
“They hate Aetna, and Cigna, and UnitedHealthcare,” Moore argued. “The healthcare industry has caused more pain and harm and anxiety for the American people than practically any other industry, and we should never side with candidates that say we’re going to keep this private profit-making thing going.”
The socialist policies promoted by most of the Democratic candidates for president in 2020 obviously supports Moore’s observation that the party has lurched leftward in recent years, but the American public in general is a different story.
A Pew Research survey published this summer found “a much larger share of Americans have a positive impression of capitalism (65%) than socialism (42%).”
Nearly 80 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents view capitalism positively, and a majority of Democrats agreed “they have a positive impression,” The Washington Post reports.
That’s undoubtedly why Trump is highlighting the Democrats’ shift toward socialism, while those vying to take him out are avoiding the word.
Instead, they’re focusing on reframing plans to greatly expand government into attacks on the rich, and promises of “free” healthcare, college and an array of other programs, with mixed success.
The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation, which tracks public’s mood on healthcare, reported in October that support for Medicare For All is eroding.
“Support for Medicare-for-all has narrowed in recent months, with 51% now saying they favor a national health plan and 47% opposed,” the KFF reports. “At the same time, support for a public option has inched up since July, with 73% now saying they favor a government plan that would compete with private health care plans and 24% opposed.”
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