Bill Clinton is paying attention to the polls, but punted when asked if Hillary should run for president a third time.

The former president was touring a Manhattan school on Tuesday, and the media was invited along, providing an opportunity for a local CBS reporter to ask him about Hillary’s prospects.

CBS 2 political reporter Marcia Kramer caught Clinton in the lunch line, asking, “I wonder how you feel about Hillary running for president,” noting a new poll shows Hillary with a 1-point advantage over present front runner Joe Biden, if she gets in the race.

Laughing, he said, “Yeah, I saw two of them yesterday.”

“Should she run?” Kramer asked.

“Ask her,” Bill responded.

“What advice would you give her?” Kramer continued as Clinton aides attempted to end the queries.

“None, we haven’t talked about it,” he claimed.

The anchor went on to note Clinton was “threading the needle” with his answers.

A Harvard-Harris Poll, conducted in late November, puts former vice president Joe Biden at the head of the current crop of Democrats vying to take on Trump in 2020, with 29 percent support among likely Democratic voters.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders is second with 16 percent, followed by Elizabeth Warren with 13 percent, openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg, with 8 percent and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at 7 percent.

Then the pollster asked the question: But what if Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were in the race?

In that hypothetical situation, Clinton comes out on top with Democrats at 21 percent support, followed by Biden with 20 percent, Sanders with 12 percent, Warren with 9 percent, and Buttigieg and Kerry with 5 percent each. When Democrats and Independents are considered together, Clinton and Biden split the top spot with 15 percent support each.

Victor Skinner contributed to this report.